Idea To Opportunity: Self-Paced Video Course
Learn to Communicate Your Big Idea to the Event Organizers Who Matter
Idea To Opportunity is a comprehensive prep guide for speakers who aspire to deliver the talk of their life. 

This self-paced video course contains over 60 videos, 3 workbooks, and an evolving catalog of bonus content.

Clarify Your Big Idea

Tell Your Story in the TED-style

Build a Persuasive Argument

Book the Talk of Your Dreams

Disclaimer: Beyond his own experiences speaking at TEDxManchesterHighSchool, and coaching speakers to book, write, and deliver talks at TED-style events, neither Brian Miller nor Conquer The Red Dot are affiliated with or endorsed by TED Conferences, LLC and do not represent the opinions or policies of TED. We do not and cannot guarantee that anyone will be accepted to a TED or TEDx conference.
Have you ever…

Dreamed of speaking on the Red Dot, but had no idea where to start?

Looked at a speaker application and felt confused or overwhelmed?

Submitted an application and been rejected or ghosted?

Watched friends and colleagues deliver talks and felt secretly jealous?

It’s getting harder and harder to cut through the noise, so you start thinking your idea isn’t good enough…

But that’s probably not true.

The truth is that in the age of distraction, the best ideas don’t win. The clearest ideas do.

Let's clarify your idea so you can finally book the talk of your dreams and make a dent in the universe.

"Brian, I just had to tell you. Today I got accepted to TEDxMadison! I haven't even done your whole course yet, but what I did gave me enough to prep the application. I knew in my gut I needed that guidance and I'm looking forward to completing it. Thank you. Thank you.
- Denise
"I wanted to thank you because this process was healing as well... because when you have so many strands of thoughts and to really narrow it and learning how to edit yourself, I think that process was vital."
- Kirti
Watch the Course Trailer
It’s time to clarify your idea and finally earn your place on the Red Dot.

The Red Dot isn’t just for the chosen few.
It’s for you!
“Brian is absolutely brilliant. He’s really good at the subtle things.”

-David Horne, Financial Advisor, CFO  

TEDxPCL: “The Fight for Fairer Funding”

“The best investment you could possibly make.”

-Cait Scudder, 7-figure Business Coach 

TEDxOneonta: “Rising is a Risk, Do it Anyway”
“It didn’t even take long to get where I needed to go!”
-Carrie Koh, Consultant 

TEDxValparaisoUniversity: “The Four Choices to Overcome Adversity”

Proven Speaker
Application Framework

See that fedora-wearing goofball in a suit? That's me, just hours before delivering the 14-minute talk that changed my life.

Hi, I’m Brian Miller! Today I’m an international keynote speaker on human connection.  

But back in 2015 I was a struggling magician supporting my wife through her Masters degree. I was burnt out, and dreamed of playing on bigger stages.  

Then I was invited to speak at TEDxManchesterHighSchool in 2015. It got 3.5 million views and turned me into the No. 1 searched speaker in my content area overnight.  

My income tripled, I got to choose my projects, and spend more time with my family.

Since then I’ve put speaker after speaker on the Red Dot and watched them transform their lives and skyrocket their mission.

Our students have:

Turned 6-figure businesses into 7-figure empires

Quit the 9-5 to build a thriving heart-centered business of their own

Built international movements as advocates and activists

Secured speaking representation

Landed prestigious features in publications like People and Forbes

And in this course, I’m going to teach you how to clarify your idea and persuade any conference organizer or event planner to take a chance on you.
Watch a sampling of our graduates deliver the talk of their lives:

“Brian helped me write like I talk and deliver the speech of my life.”

-Ashley Paré, Negotiation Expert

TEDxBeaconStreet: “How to Have Your Cake and Negotiate Too”

Most Advice about Speaker Applications is Wrong

Because most speaker coaches have not themselves delivered a viral talk, have not interviewed and worked with hundreds of conference organizers, and have not coached dozens of speakers across many different industries through the entire process from start to finish.

Standard Application Advice

Submit to 100s of conferences

Talk about the conference theme

Make a really energetic pitch video

Conquer the Red Dot Method

Clarify your Big Idea and turn it into a Filter

Find and learn to tell your Story Hook

Build a persuasive rational Argument

Understand what event organizers are looking for

Network with integrity

Here's What You'll Learn

I’ll teach you my proven system for building persuasive ideas that connect with event organizers, grow businesses, and skyrocket missions. It's called The Core Message Triad

This course can be completed and implemented in just 30 days.

Module 1: The Filter

You need to be able to say what your idea is, who it’s for, and why it matters in the span of a tweet. Why? Because every application has some version of "State your Big Idea in one sentence." This perfect one-sentence will act as your Filter, streamlining all of your messaging, and a North Star, making sure everything you say about your Big Idea is headed in the right direction.

Module 2: The Story Hook

If you want to bore people to tears, give them facts. If you want to move them to action, tell them a story. But not just any story. You need the right story told in the right way. We’ll help you find it, and learn how to tell in with that TED-style cadence we all know and love.

Module 3: The Argument

As powerful as stories are, they’re not enough. A story is not an idea. We need to make a case to give the story a foundation. That 1-2 punch of story to grab people emotionally, and an argument to grab people logically, is where ideas stick and spread.

Module 4: The Mysterious World of Conference Organizers

Learn how to use the 3 components of your Core Message to fill out any conference application with ease. We'll also look at how to find conferences to apply to, and most importantly, how to network with organizers to avoid applications entirely.

What's Included?

60 training videos

3 downloadable workbooks

Clear action-steps

Insights into the closed-off world of conference organizers

Bonus content like panel discussions with conference organizers, talk takedowns, and live Q&As

Too many smart people spend years submitting to these conferences, getting dozens or even hundreds of demoralizing rejections, having no idea what they're doing wrong or how to fix it.

If you learn and implement the strategies in this course, your odds of booking the talk of your dreams will go way up.

Ready to make a dent in the universe?

Idea to Opportunity: How to Pitch Conference Organizers and Book the Talk of Your Dreams$250

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  • 1xIdea to Opportunity: How to Pitch Conference Organizers and Book the Talk of Your Dreams$250

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